Drug & Alcohol Policy


BRIEN ELECTRICAL Ltd is committed to ensuring the good health and safety of every employee and visitor to our workplace, to ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, and to the safe operation of all equipment in the workplace. For that reason, we have adopted the following Drug and Alcohol Policy, which prohibits all employees, at all levels, from working or conducting company business under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  • Drugs means any mind altering, legal or illegally controlled substance unless it is prescribed by a medical professional and used in accordance with medical directions.
  • Alcohol means any alcoholic drink, spirits, wine or beer.

Employees of this business are prohibited from:

  • Working or conducting company business under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  • Using, possessing, distributing or consuming drugs or alcohol on company property during work time (except where you are responsible for organising/supplying alcohol for an approved social event);
  • Driving a company vehicle or driving or operating machinery under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any time;
  • Using or consuming drugs or alcohol when off-duty if it would result in you reporting to work or performing your duties under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages may be served or consumed at social events in designated areas but only with the prior approval of management. However, no employee is permitted to return to the premises to work on the day on which he/she has consumed alcohol at a pre-approved social event.

All employees are responsible for ensuring their own compliance with this policy.

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